Zen History 【禅の歴史】
Offering 【Osaisen:お賽銭】
About Offering "お賽銭について知ろう" When you go to a shrines and temples, there is a box to put money in. This is called "offer...
Lantern 【Toro:灯籠】
Origin and meaning of lanterns "灯籠の起源とその意味" Although it is a lantern that can be seen on the way to temples and shrines...
Torii gate (a gateway at the entrance to a Japanese shinto shrine, called Torii) 【Torii:鳥居】
Origin of Torii gate "鳥居の起源" When you go to a temple or shrine, the first thing you will notice is the torii gate. It st...
Shrine guardian dog statues/Guardian lion-dog statues 【Komainu:狛犬】
Shrine guardian dog statues/Guardian lion-dog statues【Komainu:狛犬】 If you visit a shrine or temple, you will find "Komain...
Heian Buddhism (Shingon esoteric Buddhist teachings and Tendai esoteric Buddhist teachings) 【平安仏教(真言密教と天台密教)】②
Encounter of Kukai and Master Keika "空海と恵果和尚との出会い" Keika preached esotericism in Chang'an and welcomed many monks from E...
Heian Buddhism (Shingon esoteric Buddhist teachings and Tendai esoteric Buddhist teachings) 【平安仏教(真言密教と天台密教)】①
Envoy to Tang "Kentoshi" -Seeking the latest culture and Buddhism on the continent「遣唐使」〜大陸の最新文化と仏教を求めて〜Envoy to Tang"Ken...
Transformation from Nara Buddhism to Heian Buddhism (Saicho & Kukai) 【奈良仏教から平安仏教へ(最澄と空海)】
From Nara period to Heian period "奈良時代から平安時代へ" There was a move to Heian by Emperor Kammu (794), and there was a movemen...
“God lottery”and “Buddha lottery” 【Omikuji:おみくじ】
Meaning of "Omikuji" おみくじの意味 "Omikuji" means "God lottery"and "Buddha lottery". At the temple, "Buddha lottery". At the ...
Nara Buddhism (Shotoku Taishi and Japanese Buddhism) 【奈良仏教 (聖徳太子と日本の仏教)】
Achievement of ShotokuTaishi "聖徳太子の功績" Shotoku Taishi (574-622) established a Buddhist culture in Japan. He not only bui...
Know Japanese Buddhism 【日本仏教を知る】②
People who are closely related to Buddhism 【仏教に関係の深い人物】 Asuka period/Nara period/Heian period "飛鳥時代/奈良時代/平安時代" Name "氏名(...