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“God lottery”and “Buddha lottery” 【Omikuji:おみくじ】

Glossary 用語集

Meaning of “Omikuji” おみくじの意味


“Omikuji” means “God lottery”and “Buddha lottery”.
At the temple, “Buddha lottery”.
At the shrine, “God lottery”.
Omikuji’s history stems from the fact that it has decided something related to ancient politics.
“Omikuji” was used to determine important posts and successors. That meant God’s advice.
Also, during the Warring States period, there seemed to be some regions that started fighting using “Omikuji” and decided how to attack.


At present, the method of “Omikuji” found at shrines and temples is based on the Heian era monk Ryogen (Ganzanjiedaishi-Ryogenshonin).
There are shrines and temples that have “Omikuji” written with “Five words and four phrases”, but this seems to be the origin.



How to Omikuji “おみくじの引き方”


omikuji has places to use different procedures at shrines and temples.
The first is a white paper box (colors, patterns, animal figurines, etc.) that you can reach out and take out directly.
This is your choice.
The other is a long stick called “Mikuji stick” with numbers and letters at the end.
And shake it.
There is a way to take “Omikuji” from the “drawer” where the same numbers and letters are written.
In either case, you won’t know what is written until you open it. But both have a common sense of excitement.
In general, I think these two methods are common to any shrine or temple.




What is written in the contents of Omikuji “おみくじの中身に書かれてあること”


So what is written?
Most fortunes have text on both sides. Open the fortune carefully and you will find many wonderful sentences.
The important thing is to read everything.
“Daichi” is a lucky year.
“Sueyoshi” is a normal year.
Do not assume that “Kyo” is ill or have an accident in a bad year.
Read “Advisory from God and Buddha.”


Regarding what is written, each shrine and temple seems to have its own content, but as typical content,
I think it is “Daikichi / Kichi / Chukichi / Shokichi / Suekichi / Kyo / Daikyo”.
They seem to include “Hanyoshi”, “Hira”, “Luck”, “Luck”, “Luck” and so on.
Other shrines and temples include “Hankichi / Hei / Shokyo / Daidaikichi / Daidaikyo”.
And the small letters are “Japanese classical poetry” or “Chinese Han era poetry.”
“Japanese classical poetry” explains luck. Especially in temples, the poems of the Chinese Han era are used to describe the fortune.
I was very surprised that there was only poem “Omikuji”.



The poem says something like that below.
By all means, please read carefully and use it in your own life.


願望  desire

健康  health

体調  physical condition

仕事  jobs

交渉  Negotiation

恋愛  love

縁談  Marriage

待人  Lover

出産  birth

金運  Economic fortune

商売  business

相場  Market

学問  Study

学業  school work

受験  Taking an exam

技芸  accomplishments

転居  Relocation

旅行  Travel

争事  dispute


After “fortune” 引いたあとのおみくじはどうするの?


“Omikuji” can be tied to a string, rope, wooden stick, etc. between the pillars. This is called “Mikuji-Kake”.
There are shrines and temples that prepare trees and branches to bind “Omikuji”, but it is better not to tie them to plants.
It is good to take “Omikuji” home.
We recommend that you take it home and read the contents carefully.
Many shrines and temples suggest that you keep them carefully in your wallet for one year.
Then, tie it to “Mikuji-Kake” the next year.
Finally, the amount you pay for buying “Omikuji” is usually ¥ 50, ¥ 100, and ¥ 200.
The animal figurines mentioned above can be a bit expensive.
Regardless of the outcome of the lottery, it is recommended that you draw with a positive feeling, such as “Let’s do our best this year.”
This is one of the pleasures of visiting shrines and temples.






