People who are closely related to Buddhism 【仏教に関係の深い人物】
Asuka period/Nara period/Heian period
Name “氏名(よみかた)”
①Birth and death A.D. “生誕〜没年”
②Biography and achievements of the person “人物の経歴と実績など”
Emperor Jomei “舒明天皇(じょめいてんのう)“
②Emperor Bidatsu’s grandson
Sent the first ambassador to Tang. Since then, has imported advanced technology, political systems, and Buddhism
“第34代天皇 敏達天皇の孫 初めての遣唐使を送る 以後、唐から先進技術や政治制度、仏教を輸入した“
Dosho “道昭(どうしょう)“
Hoso sect
Spread the Hosho sect, one of the Mahayana Buddhist religions, in Japan
Founded Joyoin (Sennan City, Osaka Prefecture)
Gyoki (priest)’s teacher
“法相宗 大乗仏教宗派の一つである法相宗を日本で広める 往生院(大阪府泉南市)を創建 行基の師“
Emperor Jito “持統天皇(じとうてんのう)“
②41st emperor
Emperor Tenmu’s wife
Emperor Tenmu prayed to cure his illness when his wife was ill, and founded Yakushi-ji Temple (Nara, 680)
After Emperor Tenmu became ill, his wife became ruler.
“第41代天皇 天武天皇の皇后 皇后のときに病を患った際、天武天皇が病気平癒を祈願して薬師寺(680年奈良)の造営開始 天武天皇が病に倒れてから代わって統治者としての存在感が高まる“
Gyoki “行基(ぎょうき)
Hoso sect
Preached Buddhism and established 49 dojos and temples
Chief of construction of Todaiji Rosha Nabutsu statue
“法相宗 仏法を説き道場や寺院を49院設立 東大寺盧舎那仏像(奈良の大仏)造立の実質的責任者“
Emperor Tenmbu “天武天皇(てんぶてんのう)“
②40th emperor
Emperor Shumei’s son
First use of the Emperor
When his wife (Emperor Jito) got sick, he decided to build Yakushi-ji Temple in hopes of healing
“第40代天皇 舒明天皇の息子 初めて天皇号を使用 皇后(持統天皇)が病を患った際、病気平癒を祈願して薬師寺の造営を発起“
Ganjin “鑑真(がんじん)“
②Naturalized monk from Tang (China)
A Master Called by Emperor Shomu (The Highest Monk Who Tells Buddhist Precepts to Japan)
Founder of Ritsumune
Comes to Japan in 754 after 5 unsuccessful trips
759 Toshodai-ji Temple founded
“唐(中国)からの帰化僧 聖武天皇が呼んだ伝戎師(戒律を日本に伝える位の高い僧) 律宗の開祖 5回の渡航失敗ののち、754年に来日叶う 759年唐招提寺創建“
Emperor Shomu “聖武天皇(しょうむてんのう)“
②45th emperor
Kokubunji erection
Todaiji Temple Rosha Buddha Statue
Opening ceremony of Todaiji Daibutsu
“第45代天皇 国分寺建立の詔 東大寺盧舎那仏像造立の詔 東大寺大仏の開眼法要“
Emperor Kanmu “桓武天皇(かんむてんのう)“
②50th emperor
Relocation from Heijokyo to Nagaokakyo and Heiankyo
Saicho was sent to Tang as a short-term international student to learn the Tendai sect.
Because the influence of Nara Buddhism has expanded, we considered relocating the capital and suppressing the power.
“第50代天皇 平城京から長岡京、平安京への遷都 最澄を環学生(短期留学生)として唐に送り天台宗を学ばせる 奈良仏教の影響力が肥大化したため遷都を行い勢力を抑えようとした“
Saicho “最澄(さいちょう)“
②Heian era monk
Another name is Denkyo Daishi.
Spread the Tendai sect learned in China to Japan
Built Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple
learned esotericism from Kukai
“平安時代の僧 別名は伝教大師(でんぎょうだいし) 中国で学んだ天台宗を日本に広める 比叡山延暦寺建立 空海から密教を学んだ“
Emperor Heizei “平城天皇(へいぜいてんのう)“
②51st emperor
Emperor Kanmu’s son
Emperor Saga’s older brother
“第51代天皇 桓武天皇の息子 嵯峨天皇の兄“
Kukai “空海(くうかい)“
②Also known as Kobo Daishi
Studied esotericism as “Kentoshi” at Chang’an of Tang
Spread Shingon Esoteric Buddhism in Japan
Emperor Saga entrusted the management of Toji
Toji became the basic dojo for Shingon Esoteric Buddhism
Koyasan Kongoji construction
Excellent person in language, architecture or medicine
“別名は弘法大師 遣唐使として唐の長安で密教を学ぶ 日本で真言密教を広める 嵯峨天皇から東寺の管理を託され、その後東寺は真言密教の根本道場となった 高野山金剛峯寺建立 語学、建築学、医学に秀でる“
Emperor Saga “嵯峨天皇(さがてんのう)“
②52nd emperor
Emperor Jinmu’s son
Emperor Heizei’s brother
Admit Mikkyo’s missionary work of Saisumi and Kukai
Leave management of Toji to Kukai
Toji will be the first esoteric temple in Japan
第52代天皇 桓武天皇の息子 平城天皇の弟 最澄や空海の密教を認める 空海に東寺の管理を託す 東寺は日本で初めての密教寺院になる
