How many shrines and temples are there in Japan? “日本には神社とお寺はどれくらいあるのか”

The Agency for Cultural Affairs publishes the number of shrines and temples in Japan every year as a “Religion Statistics Survey” About 84,000 shrines were announced in December 2019. The number of temples was about 77,000. It also includes information about the priesthood, the number of priests, the number of believers, and the Japanese attitude toward religion. There are some very interesting things to look at.
日本の神社とお寺の数を行政機関でもある文化庁(Agency for Cultural Affairs)が、毎年、「宗教統計調査」として発表しています。2019年12月に発表された神社の数は、約84000社。お寺の数は約77000社でした。他にも神職、僧侶の人数や信者の人数、信仰に関する日本国民の意識調査などが記載されています。大変興味深い内容もありますので、覗いてみてください。
Number of convenience stores and schools “コンビニエンスストアと学校の数”
By the way, the number of shrines and temples is often compared to the number of schools and convenience stores in Japan.
Seven-Eleven is about 20,800. FamilyMart is about 16,500. Lawson has about 14,600 stores. There are about 55,000 convenience stores in Japan.
In other words, there are more shrines and temples than convenience stores.
コンビニは、セブンイレブンが約20800店舗。 ファミリーマートが約16500店舗。 ローソンが約14600店舗。 ここまでが上位3位の店舗数ですが、日本の全てのコンビニの合計店舗数は、約55000店舗だそうです。
There are about 55600 schools in kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, secondary school, and private school. This is almost the same number as convenience stores.
We found that shrines and temples are overwhelmingly more than the total number of schools in Japan.