Change from Shinbutsu Shugo to Shinbutsu bunri 【神仏習合から神仏分離へ】
Buddhism was introduced from China to Japan in 538 (there are various theories that it was introduced in 552). After that, Shinto and Buddhism became more and more intimate. Shinbutsu Shugo lasted about 1200 years from the Nara period to the end of the Edo period.During the Edo period, Buddhism gradually declined as Ieyasu Tokugawa adopted Confucianism. The idea of learning Confucianism and valuing etiquette became the basis of today’s Japanese people. However, the preferential treatment of Confucianism and Shinto began to appear gradually from the middle of the Edo period without emphasizing Buddhism.And at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate, the nationalism that “the Japanese must be one” and “a new country must be created” increased. With the Meiji Restoration, it developed into a movement that made Shinto the national religion of Japan.
Shinbutsu-Hanzenrei 【神仏判然令】
There was a move to separate the closely related Shinto and Buddhism in order to make Shinto the state religion. In 1868 (Meiji 1), the idea of separating Shinto and Buddhism to make a clear distinction between Shinto and Buddhism, God and Buddhism, and shrines and temples was announced by the new Meiji government as “Shinbutu-Hanzenrei”.
Haibutsu-Kishaku 【廃仏毀釈】
“Shinbutsu-Hanzenrei” was promulgated with the aim of making a clear distinction between Shinto and Buddhism.Buddhism was rejected by over-interpreted people, and abolition movements such as burning Buddhist statues and scriptures became widespread.Half of the temples in Japan are gone. Without Haibutsu–Kishaku, it is said that the national treasure would have been three times as large as it is today.In other words, two-thirds of the works of art, such as national treasure-class Buddha statues, are lost. Movements against the abolition of Buddha and the promotion of Shinto nationalization have become active.