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Zen History 【禅の歴史】

Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

「禅の起源」”Origin of Zen”




Buddhist meditation, the founder of Buddhism, performed “zazen” under the Bodh Gaya linden tree in India about 2500 years ago.

There he opened “enlightenment”.

The 28th disciple counting from the Buddha is “Bodhi Daruma”.

Daruma used “zazen” as basic training. “Zazen” was originally one of the basic Buddhist customs. When the priests who mainly practice zazen became a sect called “Zen sect”, its origin was daruma. And Bodhisattva Bodhisattva became the founder of “Zen Buddhism”.

「日本に禅が伝わるまで」”Zen spreads in Japan”



Daruma is a monk from South India and immigrated to China.

He did “zazen” for nine years while looking at the wall. And there is a legend that his limbs are gone.

The lucky charm “Daruma” is said to be derived from the Bodhisattva who lost his limbs.

“Daruma” spread “Zen sect” to China and later became known as rinzaishu sect, sotoshu sect, unmonshu sect, igyoshu sect, hogenshu sect. This is the so-called five zen buddhism.

Zen teaching was already introduced to Japan from the Nara period to the Heian period.

Introduced as “Zen Buddhism” at the beginning of the Kamakura period, it developed as one of the Japanese Buddhisms during the Muromachi period.
