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Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺のことあれこれ

Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Heian Buddhism (Shingon esoteric Buddhist teachings and Tendai esoteric Buddhist teachings) 【平安仏教(真言密教と天台密教)】①

Envoy to Tang "Kentoshi" -Seeking the latest culture and Buddhism on the continent「遣唐使」〜大陸の最新文化と仏教を求めて〜Envoy to Tang"Ken...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Transformation from Nara Buddhism to Heian Buddhism (Saicho & Kukai) 【奈良仏教から平安仏教へ(最澄と空海)】

From Nara period to Heian period "奈良時代から平安時代へ" There was a move to Heian by Emperor Kammu (794), and there was a movemen...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Nara Buddhism (Shotoku Taishi and Japanese Buddhism) 【奈良仏教 (聖徳太子と日本の仏教)】

Achievement of ShotokuTaishi "聖徳太子の功績" Shotoku Taishi (574-622) established a Buddhist culture in Japan. He not only bui...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Know Japanese Buddhism 【日本仏教を知る】②

People who are closely related to Buddhism 【仏教に関係の深い人物】 Asuka period/Nara period/Heian period "飛鳥時代/奈良時代/平安時代" Name "氏名(...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Know Japanese Buddhism 【日本仏教を知る】①

To study Buddhism 【仏教を調べるために】 Looking at the history and history of Japanese Buddhism, you can see if the people involve...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Number of shrines and temples in Japan 【日本の神社とお寺の数について】

How many shrines and temples are there in Japan? "日本には神社とお寺はどれくらいあるのか" The Agency for Cultural Affairs publishes the num...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Buddhism is transmitted to Japan 【日本への仏教伝来】

From Kudara to Japan 百済から日本へ Buddhism was introduced to Japan in 552, when a Buddha statue and "Kyoron" (a Buddhist scri...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

About Japanese God 【日本の神様】

God's existence for Japanese 日本人にとっての神様の存在 It is not clear how the Japanese interpreted God, but people in the Jomon per...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Relationship between Shinto and Buddhism 【神道と仏教の関係】①

Shrine shelf "Kamidana" 神棚について Japanese families have "Kamidana". "Kamidana" is for worshiping God. Gods are worshiped a...
Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Difference between shrines and temples 【神社とお寺の違い】

Learn about the differences between shrines and temples. 神社とお寺の違いについて知りましょう Japanese go to both shrines and temples. How...