To study Buddhism 【仏教を調べるために】
Looking at the history and history of Japanese Buddhism, you can see if the people involved in that era have great influence.
In particular, the Japanese emperor needs to understand when, where, and with whom.
First, before considering the introduction of Buddhism in Japan, I made some material about monks closely related to Buddhism and successive emperors.
This will be updated in the future, so please refer to it.
If you give a detailed explanation, it will be very large, so the year of birth and the year of death are written.
And I will briefly explain the relationship between people.
If you make a mistake, let us know in the comments.
People who are closely related to Buddhism 【仏教に関係の深い人物】
Kofun period/Asuka period “古墳時代/飛鳥時代”
Name “氏名(よみかた)”
①Birth and death A.D. “生誕〜没年”
②Biography and achievements of the person “人物の経歴と実績など”
Sogano Iname “蘇我稲目(そがのいなめ)“
②The royal family of the Kofun period (clan with land, property, soldiers and dominating the area)
Father of Sogano Umako
The Buddha statue and the theory were given by Baekje, and they kept it.
Belongs to a faction trying to spread Buddhism in Japan
Buddhist dispute with Mononobe-shi occurs
“古墳時代の豪族(土地や財産、兵などで地域的支配権をもつ一族のこと) 蘇我馬子の父 仏教公伝の際に百済から贈られた仏像と経論を欽明天皇から預かる 崇仏派 物部氏(廃仏派)と仏教抗争“
Mononobeno Moriya “物部守屋(もののべのもりや)“
②“Omuraji” from the Kofun period (a person who helps the Emperor in the role of the Yamato royal family)
Factions to eliminate Buddhism from Japan
Conflict with Soga-shi (buddhist supporters)
Emperor Bidatsu announces law prohibiting Buddhism
Factions that eliminate Buddhism decline after losing to Sogano Umako
“古墳時代の大連(ヤマト王権の役職で天皇の補佐) 廃仏派として蘇我氏(崇仏派)と争う 敏達天皇に仏教禁止令を出させる 蘇我馬子に討たれ以後廃仏派の勢力が衰えていく“
Emperor Kinmei “欽明天皇(きんめいてんのう)“
②29th emperor
Emperor when Buddhism was introduced to Japan in 538
Receive Buddha statues and Buddhist teachings from Baekje
“第29代天皇 仏教が伝来されたと言われる538年の時代の天皇 百済から仏像と経論を受ける“
Emperor Bidatsu “敏達天皇(びだつてんのう)“
②30th emperor
The eldest son of Emperor Kinmei
Factions to eliminate Buddhism
Issue a law to abolish Buddhism
Burned Buddha statue and Buddhist temple with Mononobe-shi
“第30代天皇 欽明天皇の長男 廃仏派で物部氏とともに仏教禁止令などを発し仏像と仏殿などを燃やす“
Sogano Umako “蘇我馬子(そがのうまこ)“
②Asuka era politician
Son of Sogano-Iname
Minister of the Emperor Kinmei
Served Emperor Yomei who married Soga-shi’s daughter
After that he was a vassal in the days of Emperor Sushun and Emperor Suiko
Defeated Mononobeno Moriya by “Teibi rebellion”. And Soga-shi declined
With the abolition of Buddhism, Buddhism began to spread in earnest, and in later years, encouraged Buddhism with Prince Shotoku and enacted the 12th floor of the crown and Article 17 Constitution.
Imported systems and academics from mainland China
“蘇我稲目の息子 飛鳥時代の政治家 欽明天皇の時代の大臣 蘇我家の娘と婚姻した用明天皇の下、崇峻天皇、推古天皇の時代でも情勢を振るった 丁未の乱(ていびのらん)で物部守屋を討ち、物部氏が衰退 廃仏派が衰えたことで仏教が本格的に浸透していく 後年、聖徳太子とともに仏教を奨励し冠位十二階や十七条憲法を定め遣隋使によって大陸の社会制度や学問を輸入した“
Emperor Yomei “用明天皇(ようめいてんのう)“
②31st emperor
Emperor Kinmei’s son
Emperor Suiko’s brother
Shotoku-Taishi’s father
The importance of Buddhism and its recognition have spread. This led to the rise of later Buddhism.
“第31代天皇 蘇我稲目の父 欽明天皇の息子 推古天皇の兄 厩戸皇子(聖徳太子)の父 仏法を重じ仏教を公認したことでその後の仏教盛隆につながっていく”
Emperor Sushun “崇峻天皇(すしゅんてんのう)“
②32nd emperor
Emperor Yomei’s son
Emperor Suiko’s brother
“第32代天皇 用明天皇の息子 推古天皇の弟“
Emperor Suiko “推古天皇(すいこてんのう)“
②33rd emperor
Japan’s first female emperor
Emperor Kinmei’s daughter
Emperor Yomei’s sister
Command “Sanboukoryuno-Mikotonori”
“第33代天皇 日本初の女帝 欽明天皇の娘 用明天皇の妹 「三宝興隆の詔」“
Shotoku Taishi “聖徳太子(しょうとくたいし)“
②Emperor Yomei’s second son
Emperor Suiko’s nephew
The Constitution of Article 17 was enacted in 604. The decree of Xinglong Sanbao stipulated that the Buddha, the law, and the monk be honored.
A person who spread the Buddhist spirit to Japan.
“用明天皇の次男 推古天皇の甥っ子 604年に十七条憲法を制定 三宝興隆の詔で仏・法・僧を敬うよう定める 仏教精神を日本に広めた人物”
Know Japanese Buddhism 【日本仏教を知る】② につづく
