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Offering 【Osaisen:お賽銭】

Glossary 用語集


About Offering  ”お賽銭について知ろう”


When you go to a shrines and temples, there is a box to put money in.

This is called “offering Box”, and when worshiping in front of God or Buddha, it is common to put money and put hands together.

But many foreigners want to know about this “offering”.

Describes the offering.





How much is offering price? 【お賽銭はいくら入れる?】


The most important thing you want to know is the price.

In Japan, it is customary to rhyme to determine the amount of money, but there is no basis for it.

There was a question and answer about this offering on the website of the famous Izumo Taisha Shrine in Shimane Prefecture. Please refer to it.

In conclusion, “gratitude” and “respect” to God and the Buddha are important, and their prices are “no rules”.

In my case, I didn’t want to change the amount depending on the shrines and temples, so I set it to 100 yen. Please refer to this as it is a completely personal idea.

Temples and shrines have several offering boxes, but you only need to put offerings in one place.






Precautions when putting offerings 【お賽銭を入れるときの注意】

Offering is not to make a wish come true.

It’s not very desirable to seek your success, such as being rich, winning the lottery, or wanting to be.

It is important to show gratitude and respect to the gods and Buddhas.

I would like to thank “Family Health” and for visiting temples and shrines again.

Also, do not throw money. I think it’s rude to throw something on the gods or the Buddha, so I recommend slowly and gently putting it in the offering box.



Origin of the offering 【お賽銭の起源】

At present, it is common to put money in offering boxes, but it is said that this custom occurred after money was distributed during the Muromachi period.

It seems that seafood and food harvested in the mountains were once dedicated to God and the Buddha.

Also, it seems that the origin was that rice was wrapped in white paper and dedicated. It’s better not to have rice right now, so bring everything other than money directly to the office.


