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Heian Buddhism (Shingon esoteric Buddhist teachings and Tendai esoteric Buddhist teachings) 【平安仏教(真言密教と天台密教)】①

Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Envoy to Tang “Kentoshi” -Seeking the latest culture and Buddhism on the continent「遣唐使」〜大陸の最新文化と仏教を求めて〜

Envoy to Tang”Kentoshi” was dispatched to Tang (currently China) 16 times from 630 to 894.The aim was to import the latest legal system and cultural artifacts from Tang, where culture and politics had greatly developed.It contributed greatly to the development of Japanese politics, learning and religion (Buddhism).



Saicho learned Esoteric Buddhist teachings最澄が学んだ密教

In 804, both Saicho and Kukai learnend buddism  in Tang (China), where the latest culture and politics had developed at the time.Saicho trained at Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, and was in a position to serve the Emperor.He was selected as a short-term international student, departed in July 804, and trained for about eight months from September.He returned to Japan in 805 after receiving the status of a successor to Shingon Esoteric Buddhism.In Japan, Shinfuku Kokushin-ji Temple was established as a sacred place in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, and spread the Esoteric Buddhist teachings.



Kukai is an unknown monk無名の僧侶だった空海

Kukai, as a long-term international student, boarded a ship different from Saicho and headed for Tang.The ship at that time could not reach the destination depending on the weather, and some of the ships sank.Kukai’s ship drifted to the south and, as a result, drifted to “Sekiganchin”.The villagers who saw the ragged crew were suspended for about 50 days, suspected of being pirates.Kukai wrote a petition to enter Tang on behalf of the Japanese ambassador.Kukai’s handwriting was very impressive and was recognized as a noble monk.And the villagers admitted to enter the Tang.



Kukai learned Esoteric Buddhist teachings空海が学んだ密教

Kukai later earned Esoteric Buddhist teachings from Keika at Chang’an, the then capital city of Seiryu-ji Temple.Keika Saw through that Kukai had received a lot of rigorous training before coming here, and taught Esoteric Buddhist teachings.Kukai was awarded the position of Ajari as a esoteric mentor and the Inheritance of Henjo Kongo (the name of Dainichi Nyorai).


Kukai returned to Japan, usually shortening his 20-year study abroad period to two years.It seems that shortening the long-term study abroad was an act worthy of a punishment, but there was a feeling that Kukai had to spread esoteric education to Japan as soon as possible.Kukai learned the secret of esotericism in Chang’an and became the successor to Keika.Emperor Saga acknowledged Kukai and allowed him to return.

