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Nara Buddhism (Shotoku Taishi and Japanese Buddhism) 【奈良仏教 (聖徳太子と日本の仏教)】

Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Achievement of ShotokuTaishi “聖徳太子の功績”

Shotoku Taishi (574-622) established a Buddhist culture in Japan.

He not only built the temple, but also communicated his thoughts about Buddhism through “Sangyo-Gisho”.

“Sangyo-Gisho” is a manual for “Hokekyo”, “Shomangyo”, and “Yuimakyo”.


Nanto-Rokushu “南都六宗”

During the Nara period, a religious faction called “Nanto-Rokushu”, known as academic Buddhism, flourished.
It was also called “Nara Buddhism” and flourished around Heijokyo (current capital of Nara Prefecture).


“Nanto Rokushu” includes six religious factions: Sanronshu, Josyushu, Hoshoushu, Kushushu, Kegonshu, and Rishu.


“Kento-shi” and Buddhist culture  “遣唐使と仏教の文化”

As Buddhism gradually spread to Japan, Emperor Shuming sent “Kentoshi” to Tang (China) to import the latest technology and Buddhism at the time.
Emperor Shuming tried to use Buddhism in politics.

