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Manners in “Chozuya”【手水舎の作法】

Worship 参拝

Manners in “Chozuya“【手水舎の作法】

Earlier, when we worshiped at Japanese shrines and temples, we said that there were some manners.

Once inside the precincts, most shrines and temples have a hand and mouth purification building called “Chozuya”.

Here it is customary to wash hands and mouth before worshiping God and Buddha to purify the body and mind.

This is called “Temizu no Saho”.

Here’s how.

Once you remember, you can do the same everywhere. Please remember how.



これを「手水の作法 てみずのさほう」と言います。



About Hishaku 【柄杓】

Chozuya has a water filling tool called “Hishaku”. Use this.

The first thing to remember is to pour as much water into Hishaku as possible.

This involves washing your hands and mouth with a glass of water and then following the same procedure until the ladle is finally washed.

Next, “Don’t touch Hishaku with your own mouth.”

This is because once you have water in your hand, you carry it from hand to mouth.

Finally, just put water in your mouth and don’t drink water. “

Gently wash your mouth and vomit.

I will talk about manners based on the above.

手水舎には、「柄杓 ひしゃく」と呼ばれる水を汲む道具が置いてあります。これを使っていきます。




Explanation using photos 【写真で説明】


1 Hold Hishaku with your right hand and pour water until it is full.


2  Wash your left hand. At this time, a small amount of water is enough.


3  Turn Hishaku into your left hand and wash your right hand. There is still water left.


4  Hold Hishaku with your right hand and pour water into your left hand.


5  Put water in the mouth.


6  spit water without drinking.


7 Hold Hishaku with both hands, and wash down the parts you held by hand while hanging down the water remaining on the dipper.


8 Hold it in both hands and put it back.



Conclusion 【まとめ】

It is supposed to be done by scooping up a glass of water at Hishaku, but you can add water even if water runs out on the way. rest assured.

Once you get used to it, you can do it with a glass of water, so be confident.


If you come to Japan from other countries for travel or sightseeing and visit shrines and temples, you can see that the approximate people are confused without knowing such manners.

I want to teach, but Japanese are not good at speaking at such times.

Japanese are poor at communicating and are afraid to be annoying.

So I hope you never think Japanese are unkind.

Please refer to this blog and tell this blog to an acquaintance who will visit Japan someday.

It is troublesome to learn manners, but I want you to remember it after coming to Japan.

The important thing is to have the feeling of “thank you” and “pray for others”. Don’t worry if you make a mistake. I want you to feel the heart of Japan.



