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How to Worship. 【参拝の仕方について知ろう】

Worship 参拝

Shrines and temples that have different ways of worship. 【神社とお寺の異なる参拝の仕方】

When you go to shrines and temples, most of the purposes are to worship, to repent, to pray for road safety, and to pray to pass the exam.
In particular, when visiting in front of the worship hall, shrines and temples worship differently.
Here, let’s look at the illustrations and learn how to worship.


When passing through the torii gate and the tower gate.【鳥居と楼門をくぐるときの注意】

Clean your hands and mouth with chozuya.【手水舎で両手と口を清めます】

Click here for manners of “Chozuya” 【手水舎での作法はこちらを参照】



Manners in "Chozuya"【手水舎の作法】
Manners in "Chozuya"【手水舎の作法】Earlier, when we worshiped at Japanese shrines and temples, we said that there were some man...



At the shrine, bow twice and clap your hands twice to pray. Finally, bow once.【神社は二礼二拍手一礼】

The temple puts both hands together. And bow once.【お寺は合掌礼拝】

The temples fit their palms. And bow only once. 【お寺は合掌して、一度だけ礼拝をします】


Did you notice the difference between worship at shrines and temples?
Please take advantage of what you have learned here.
It is important not only to know how to worship and manners, but also to give polite greetings to God and Buddha.
In terms of manners, there are a few things that have not been introduced here, so I will talk about them next time.
“I want to become rich.” Only be asked to self-desire, such is not the purpose, and “Hello. It’s nice to meet you. As family will spend cheerfully bright, healthy, thank you how.” It is said that the original purpose is to wish and thank God and Buddha for the happiness of others.
please refer.



Manners in "Chozuya"【手水舎の作法】
Manners in "Chozuya"【手水舎の作法】Earlier, when we worshiped at Japanese shrines and temples, we said that there were some man...


