Kiyomizu Temple 【清水寺】
Offering 【Osaisen:お賽銭】
About Offering "お賽銭について知ろう"When you go to a shrines and temples, there is a box to put money in.This is called "offerin...
Lantern 【Toro:灯籠】
Origin and meaning of lanterns "灯籠の起源とその意味"Although it is a lantern that can be seen on the way to temples and shrines,...
Torii gate (a gateway at the entrance to a Japanese shinto shrine, called Torii) 【Torii:鳥居】
Origin of Torii gate "鳥居の起源"When you go to a temple or shrine, the first thing you will notice is the torii gate.It stan...
Shrine guardian dog statues/Guardian lion-dog statues 【Komainu:狛犬】
Shrine guardian dog statues/Guardian lion-dog statues【Komainu:狛犬】If you visit a shrine or temple, you will find "Komainu...
Heian Buddhism (Shingon esoteric Buddhist teachings and Tendai esoteric Buddhist teachings) 【平安仏教(真言密教と天台密教)】②
Encounter of Kukai and Master Keika "空海と恵果和尚との出会い"Keika preached esotericism in Chang'an and welcomed many monks from Ea...
Heian Buddhism (Shingon esoteric Buddhist teachings and Tendai esoteric Buddhist teachings) 【平安仏教(真言密教と天台密教)】①
Envoy to Tang "Kentoshi" -Seeking the latest culture and Buddhism on the continent「遣唐使」〜大陸の最新文化と仏教を求めて〜Envoy to Tang"Ken...
Transformation from Nara Buddhism to Heian Buddhism (Saicho & Kukai) 【奈良仏教から平安仏教へ(最澄と空海)】
From Nara period to Heian period "奈良時代から平安時代へ"There was a move to Heian by Emperor Kammu (794), and there was a movement...
“God lottery”and “Buddha lottery” 【Omikuji:おみくじ】
Meaning of "Omikuji" おみくじの意味"Omikuji" means "God lottery"and "Buddha lottery".At the temple, "Buddha lottery".At the shr...
Nara Buddhism (Shotoku Taishi and Japanese Buddhism) 【奈良仏教 (聖徳太子と日本の仏教)】
Achievement of ShotokuTaishi "聖徳太子の功績"Shotoku Taishi (574-622) established a Buddhist culture in Japan.He not only built...
Know Japanese Buddhism 【日本仏教を知る】②
People who are closely related to Buddhism【仏教に関係の深い人物】Asuka period/Nara period/Heian period"飛鳥時代/奈良時代/平安時代"Name "氏名(よみかた...