Kamo-mioya Shrine 【賀茂御祖神社(下鴨神社):かもみおやじんじゃ】

Click here for the official website https://www.shimogamo-jinja.or.jp
Located in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City, it is also known as Shimogamo Shrine.
Kyoto is built around the Kamo River, and a shrine is enshrined in the lower reaches of the Kamo River, so it is thought to be the origin of “Shimogamo Shrine”.
There are main halls in the east and west, both of which are designated as national treasures.
“Tamayori himeno-mikoto” in the eastern main hall,
“Kamotake tsunumino-mikoto” is enshrined in the main hall in the west.
There is a shrine called “Koto shrine” in front of the worship place of Shimogamo Shrine.
It is a shrine that is attached to the main shrine and has a deep connection with God.
Seven “Koto shrines” are enshrined, each of which is the guardian deity of the zodiac.
You can visit and worship your own zodiac shrine.
1-Kotosha (East shrine) Snake, Sheep
1-Kotosha (West shrine) Horse
2-Kotosha (North shrine) Rat
2-Kotosha (South shrine) Ox, Pig/Boar
3-Kotosha (North shrine) Rabbit/Hare, Rooster/Cock
3-Kotosha (Center shrine) Tiger, Dog
3-Kotosha (South shrine) Dragon, Monkey
一言社(東社) 大国魂神(巳、未歳守護神)
一言社(西社) 顕国魂神(午歳守護神)
二言社(北社) 大国主神(子歳守護神)
二言社(南社) 大物主神(丑、亥歳守護神)
三言社(北社) 志固男神(卯、酉歳守護神)
三言社(中社) 大己貴神(寅、戌歳守護神)
三言社(南社) 八千矛神(辰、申歳守護神)
Japanese Zodiac 【12支】
子 (ね): Rat
丑 (うし):Ox
寅 (とら):Tiger
卯 (う):Rabbit / Hare
辰 (たつ):Dragon
巳 (み): Snake
午 (うま):Horse
未 (ひつじ):Sheep
申 (さる):Monkey
酉 (とり):Rooster / Cock
戌 (いぬ):Dog
亥 (い):Pig / Boar
Inoue shrine (Mitarashi shrine) 【井上社(御手洗社)】
Inoue shrine is a shrine within the precincts of Shimogamo Shrine.
The pond that spreads in front of the shrine is called “Mitarashi Pond”, and “Ashitsuke-Shinto ritual” and “Yatori-Shinto ritual” are held.
The origin of “Mitarashi dango” is the bubbles that spring up in the Mitarai pond.
井上社は、下鴨神社の境内にある末社(摂社と同様に本社に付属した神社 摂社は末社の上位)です。社が井戸の上に建てられていることに由来します。
Water god lottery 【水みくじ】
Shimogamo Shrine has a rare “water god lottery”. If you gently soak it in the Mitarashi pond, the letters will come out. It seems that there are benefits to pray for marriage and beauty, so please try it.
By the way, there are no “Kyo” and “Daikyo” in the water god lottery.
