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About Shrines and Temples Blog【神社仏閣ブログについて】

Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Preface 【はじめに】

I am Japanese, but realized that I did not know much about shrines and temples.
When my father died, I prepared for a funeral instead of my deaf mother. It is natural because I was the eldest son.
Preparing for the funeral was very difficult. When my grandparents and relatives died, I was only listening to sutras.
All I remember was that I was sweating desperately. Under the midsummer Tokyo sky.


Suddenly, I thought, “Why are Japanese people doing such funerals?”
A monk’s name given by a monk. Sutra. Sect.
And with my family, I visit a shrine or temple every New Year.

“Why go to shrines and temples during New Year?”
“In the first place, shrines and temples are different.”
“What’s different. Both worship. Both have omikuji.”
I have been worshiping since childhood.
Perhaps all Japanese have the same experience.
However, I don’t know too much. As an adult, I felt ashamed.


Purpose of this blog 【このブログが目指すもの】

As mentioned above, ignorant I learn about shrines and temples from scratch.


There are three purposes. (for now) 目的は、3つ。(今のところ)

1  I want to learn about shrines and temples.

2  I want to tell people who have the same idea as me.

3  I want to realize that Japan is a wonderful country.

1-Reason: Do not be ashamed as a Japanese or adult.

(Part 1): Shrines and temples were troubled by people from other countries

(Part 2): I want to tell Japanese history and culture to the children who will play a role in Japan’s future.

I think Japan is a good country, but I have never been to other countries, so when I travel around the world one day, I want to share the goodness of Japan with people all over the world.


1 私自身が神社とお寺について知識をもちたい。

2 私と同じような思いをもつ人たちに、少しでも伝えていきたい。

3 日本はすばらしい国なんだということを実感したい。

その1 特に海外から来られた人たちを神社やお寺で見かけたときに、どうしたらよいのか困っている様子を目にすることがあったから。
その2 これから日本の将来を背負う、子どもたちに日本の歴史や文化を伝えていきたいと思ったから。

Request from administrator 【おねがい】

In this blog, I would like to introduce the shrines and temples I have visited so far and write what I have learned about its history.
I would like Japanese people to read, but I would like to see people from other countries when visiting Japan, so I will add English notation.
I basically use Google Translate because I don’t speak English.
In some cases, words or grammar may be incorrect or may not be able to convey detailed nuances. If you make a mistake, please let us know in the comments. Please cooperate as I will fix it soon.


Afterword 【あとがき】

Father’s disease and worship 父の病気とお参り

My parents living in Tokyo are so far away that I only met once every few years.
I knew my father had cancer and came to Tokyo once a year.
The course of treatment was good.
Without regular hospitalization, if I did not overdo it, I went shopping and I drove to various places.
I visited shrines and temples and prayed for my father to live longer.
It was one of the sightseeing for me, but there was no such custom and I did not know how to worship.
That prompted me to be interested in and study shrines and temples.

