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Difference between shrines and temples 【神社とお寺の違い】

Shrines and Temples 神社とお寺

Learn about the differences between shrines and temples. 神社とお寺の違いについて知りましょう

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Japanese go to both shrines and temples.
However, many people come without thinking much about the differences and purpose between shrines and temples.
I am one of them.
In the new year, families go to shrines and temples to visit, offer money, and buy “Omikuji”.
At Christmas, expect a gift from Santa Claus, buy cakes, light a candle, and hold a party with “Merry Christmas!”


However, on New Year’s Day, we concentrate on the Japanese and wear “Hakama” and “Kimono” to go to New Year’s worship.
However, it is very difficult to understand. Today we will compare the differences roughly.


It depends on your purpose 【目的によってどちらに行くか違います】

At the shrine, visit “Hatsumode” for the New Year, “Shichigosan”, a celebration of 3, 5 and 7 years old, “Yaku-Barai” to get rid of bad luck and weddings
At the temple, a new year’s visit “Hatsumode”, funeral


Worship is different 【祀っている対象が違います】

Shrines and temples worship different objects.

Shrines worship God. In the past, God was a natural “natural object” such as mountains, trees, and rocks. “Natural phenomena” such as rain, lightning, fire, and wind were also considered “gods.”
Shinto is recognized by Japan as a religion.
We worship “Yaorozu-no-kamigami” (8 million gods) and nature.
Animals, plants, swords and mirrors are also considered as gods.


on the other hand,
The temple worships the Buddha. In other words, the temple is Buddhism and a place to worship Buddha statues.


How to worship is different 【お参り(参拝)の仕方が違います】

As introduced here, worship at shrines and temples has some differences.
記事 How to Worship. 【参拝の仕方について知ろう】でも紹介していますが、神社とお寺とでは、参拝の仕方が少し違うところがあります。

How to Worship. 【参拝の仕方について知ろう】
Shrines and temples that have different ways of worship.【神社とお寺の異なる参拝の仕方】When you go to shrines and temples, most of the ...

Shrine is “bow twice, clap your hands twice, bow once”.
In fact, not all shrines use this method, and some shrines have different manners in different regions.
A typical example is the famous “Izumo Taisha”.
Izumo Taisha says “bow twice, clap your hands four times, bow once.”
There are many places where signs are displayed in the hall of worship “Haiden”, so please check before going.

神社は、「二礼二拍手一礼( 二拝二拍手一拝)」です。じつが、すべての神社がこの方法ではなく、地域によっては作法がちがう神社もあります。

On the other hand,
The temples holded hands “Gassho”. Then, lower your head only once.
It is “Gassho-Raihai”.


Many commonalities 【共通点の多い理由】

Shrines and temples have a lot in common. There is a reason.


Shinto is an ancient Japanese philosophy that worships nature, but during the Nara era, Emperor Shomu introduced Buddhism (Mahayana Buddhism) from Baekje (now the Korean Peninsula) in China.
And the idea of ​​”Shinbutsu Shugo” was born.
In other words, God and Buddha were the same “Honji-Suijaku theory”, and there was the idea that Buddha was transformed into God in order to save people.
One of the representative buildings is the statue of Rosha Nabutsu (The Great Buddha of Nara), built by Emperor Shomu.
During this era, temples were built inside the shrine, and there are still many places today.
A shrine called Nikko Toshogu Shrine, which was built in the Edo period and is designated as a World Heritage Site, has a temple called Hondo (Yakushido) on the precincts.


【sincretistic fusion of shintoism and buddhism:神仏習合(shinbutsu-shugo)】

Sincretistic fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism 【Shinbutsu-shugo(神仏習合:しんぶつしゅうごう)】
History of syncretism "習合の歴史"「sincretistic fusion of shintoism and buddhism」 is a harmonious way of thinking that fuses ...

The commonalities are as follows:
Hand watershed “Chozuya”
torii “Torii”
Tower gate “Romon”
Fortune lottery “Omikuji”
Scarlet seal “Goshuin”
Both Japanese go to New Year worship. “Hatsumode”


Click here for manners of “Chozuya” 【手水舎の作法はこちらを参照】

Manners in "Chozuya"【手水舎の作法】
Manners in "Chozuya"【手水舎の作法】Earlier, when we worshiped at Japanese shrines and temples, we said that there were some man...
